paper reviews some of the literature on entrepreneurial learning and considers
how the development of learning within small to medium‐sized
enterprises (SMEs) may be supported. In particular the paper investigates how
mentoring support combined with information on the needs of entrepreneurs at
specific times in their development may represent an efficient and effective
support mechanism. In all, if one was to utilise such as the Churchill and
Lewis small firm life‐cycle development approach and use
mentors to deliver the required support, then this may represent a more
effective support mechanism than volume‐driven up‐front
prescriptive training. The paper draws on findings from a programme of ongoing
research conducted under the auspices of Paisley Enterprise Research Centre
(PERC)[1] that highlights the added‐value of mentoring
from both a client entrepreneur and mentor perspective. In order to place this
paper into context it may be useful to outline our current research objectives:
- Identification
of the learning process and implications for current policy.
- Identification
of specific requirements and the stage(s) of enterprise/entrepreneurial
development when these requirements could best be delivered.
- Identification
of mode and timing of appropriate and effective learning
- To
develop a model of entrepreneurial learning based on case study research.
- Development
of appropriate policy recommendations for enterprise/entrepreneur support.
development of learning in its various guises of individual, team and
organisational learning has been recognised by many as of critical importance
to our economic prosperity. Williams (1998) reports that such as Senge (1990)
and Argyris (1992) believe that organisations require effective learning
capability if they are to succeed in a complex, competitive and challenging
world. Amin and Wilkinson (1999) state that “the ability of firms and business
systems to sustain learning and adaptation has become a matter of crucial
importance for competitive survival”, while authors such as Dosi and Malerba
(1996) discuss the importance of an organisation’s “capability to learn”. In
all, the ability to learn on a continuous basis is now viewed as a key
determinant of competitive success.
briefly discussed the importance of “learning” it is important to develop a
greater understanding of the concept both in theory and practice if we are to
make comment on how best it could be supported within the context of SMEs. It
could be argued, for instance, that much of the learning that takes place is
experiential; if so, this has major implications for the mode and timing of
enterprise support. It may be that a “just‐in‐time”
approach (where specific assistance is offered in response to critical
incidents) to delivery of assistance is more effective than a prescribed or
“expert” approach where experts deliver a pre‐set often “up front”
menu of training to all programme participants. In such “up front” and
prescribed programmes it is possible that some of the material covered may not
be relevant to any particular venture at that time. Unfortunately, such a situation
dilutes the possibility of “learning by doing” and of consolidating learning at
that time.
discussed earlier, the understanding of the learning process relating to
entrepreneurs is of great importance. This and the need for further research
are outlined by such as Deakins (1996, pp. 21‐22) who states that
“We do not understand how entrepreneurs learn, yet it is accepted that there is
a learning experience from merely establishing a new enterprise. The learning
process that is involved in business and enterprise development is poorly understood,
yet programmes have been devised and interventions are made in business
development ... There is now a need for re‐focusing research away
from the emphasis on picking successful entrepreneurs or picking winners, to
identifying key issues in the learning and developmental processes of
entrepreneurship”. Having accepted that entrepreneurial learning is of
significance, we now move on to define what we mean by this term.
the very notion of learning is difficult to define it is generally agreed that
the definition of Beach (1980) is fairly comprehensive; namely, that learning
“is the human process by which skills, knowledge, habit and attitudes are
acquired and altered in such a way that behaviour is modified”. Perhaps most
crucially, this definition highlights learning as achieved only where it
becomes or leads to some intention to behave in a modified way. Another view
comes from Kolb (1984) who stated that learning was experiential, “a process
whereby concepts are derived from and continuously modified by experience ...
an emergent process whose outcomes represent only historical record not
knowledge of the future”. This concept of “emergence” or continuous development
is one that sits well with contemporary thought and the “ideology” of such as total
quality management and organisational learning. As reported in Rae and Carswell
(1999), Watson and Harris (1999) believe that the notion of emergence can help
us explore how people learn continually through changing, doing, experimenting
and redefining their sense of how they work in a whole‐life
process of development.
may also be argued that learning entails “not only a process of adaptive
learning in order to cope with change and survive, but also what has been
deemed as ‘generative’ learning which embodies the capacity to create and
‘bring forward’ experience, rather than wait for (and learn from) it”. This
process may also include bringing forward the learning of the customer and
other stakeholders (Hamel and Prahalad, 1994).
Williams (1998) developed a process model of organisational learning that
incorporates four common characteristics of individual and organisational
learning, namely:
1. goal directed –
organisational learning occurs within the context of the mission and strategic
goals of the organisation;
2. based on experience –
consisting of the confirming/disconfirming experiences of decision‐making
agents, e.g. top management teams;
3. impacts behaviour and
cognition – beliefs of the decision‐making agents,
particularly beliefs relating to powerful stakeholders, are formed,
strengthened, or weakened as a result of these experiences; and
4. changes are relatively
stable – once beliefs are commonly held they become embedded in the culture of
the organisation through associated artefacts. Such beliefs and their
associated artefacts become a force for stability within the organisation and
are evidence of organisational learning having taken place. Organisational
culture is, therefore, an input as well as an output of learning experiences.
briefly defined what is meant by the term “learning” we are in a position to
consider how learning can be supported in the context of new‐start
businesses or entrepreneurs. For the purpose of this paper we focus on the
added value derived from business “mentors” supporting new‐start
takes place in a variety of socio‐economic contexts and
as such its precise role may change dependent on the environment and the
objectives of that mentoring relationship. In this paper we are specifically
interested in mentoring as a means of supporting new‐start
entrepreneurs through the provision of “expert” help and assistance in
overcoming problems. In all, we are interested in whether a mentor gives the
new‐start entrepreneur a useful insight into
running a small business, perhaps through learning from the mentor’s previous
a mentor cannot effectively “lecture” to an individual entrepreneur’s prior
experience, they may be in a position to give meaning to or aid understanding
of that experience. The role of the mentor is to enable the entrepreneur to
reflect on actions and, perhaps, to modify future actions as a result; it is
about enabling behavioural and attitudinal change. In all, it is about
facilitation that enables the entrepreneur to dissect, reflect and learn from
what could be termed “critical incidents”. This type of approach is supported
by work undertaken by Deakins and Freel (1996) that revealed that the
entrepreneur acquires the ability to learn through experience and that the
learning process appeared to be the result of critical incidents in which the
entrepreneur is required to make strategic and/or operational decisions. Such
an approach (of experiential learning) is evident in the thoughts of Williams,
1998, p. 63) – “learning is goal directed; experiences are the substance from
which learning emerges; beliefs – i.e. norms and values, and through them
behaviour – reflect achieved learning ...” Perhaps of greater importance, in
this context, is the view of entrepreneurs who, when asked by Choueke and
Armstrong (1992) to identify which format of learning was influential in their
personal development, responded: past experience (95 per cent of the sample),
learning from “colleagues” (61 per cent) and self‐learning (54 per
cent). Again such a view was supported through earlier work by Armstrong (1990)
that also found “experience” to be the major source of learning. If we accept
such findings then we need to find ways to help entrepreneurs to reflect on any
learning from critical incidents; in other words we need to encourage and
facilitate double‐loop learning.
is, therefore, not only the content and delivery mode of enterprise support and
advice that is important but also the background, attitude and skills of those
who provide advice. Atterton (1995) draws attention to the fact that frequently
it is such as bank managers who act as small business advisers, yet they tend
to have different attitudes, values and beliefs from the entrepreneurs. As
such, their advisory potential, outside of shaping the small business customer
to their own requirements, is limited. While there is some recognition that
what we teach and who teaches it is of importance, the central problem relating
to all of the above situations is that too little is known of how the learning
of stakeholders and SME owners actually takes place.
that entrepreneurial learning is largely experiential then one must consider
the notion that entrepreneurs may demand specific skills and encounter specific
incidents at certain times in their “career”. In particular, we would wish to
support entrepreneurs as and when they have experienced a critical incident in
order to facilitate double‐loop learning. The question, therefore,
is whether training, education and mentoring could be tailored to meet the
needs of individual entrepreneurs’ development. Of course, the discussion then
becomes complex, as this is dependent on many variables such as the
availability of resources, entrepreneurial experience, experience of working in
that or related fields, the question of whether the experience is defined by
quantity (time) or quality (number of or importance of a given event(s)) and
indeed the specific skill and knowledge requirements of that industrial sector
or opportunity.
life‐cycle approach
attempting to recognise the evolution of entrepreneurs and their enterprises a
“life‐cycle approach or model” would usefully
reflect the types of challenges businesses encounter as they mature. One such
model is the Churchill Phases of Management model; essentially, Churchill
portrayed small business as moving through a life‐cycle over which the
managerial needs and, therefore, the nature of support required would alter.
The phase of management and the challenges likely to be encountered in each
phase are detailed in Table I.
response to meeting such challenges, Churchill’s work identified the management
and leadership skills that entrepreneurs perceived as being of most importance
during each particular phase (Table II).
original Churchill‐Lewis model (1983) was revalidated and
updated as the result of additional research. This research found that, while
there are distinctive and predictable stages in growth, these do not
necessarily happen sequentially. It was, therefore, felt proper to rename
stages as “phases” to highlight the non‐sequential nature of
the model. Such a change to the model may help it “fit” with that of learning
in SMEs; case study research conducted by Deakins and Freel (1998), for
example, found that “learning and ability progress in a series of disconnected
‘jumps’ which depend on the experience of the entrepreneur”.
would, therefore, be interesting to note the skills that our new‐start
entrepreneurs believe they require as they and their enterprises evolve and
grow. In addition, if support is to be effective and is provided “just‐in‐time”
as opposed to delivered in a pre‐set and prescribed
manner, then such a “model” would prove to be somewhat convenient for planning
and resourcing purposes. In other words, if we are attempting to support
entrepreneurs through the conception and survival phases then we require to
facilitate learning in those skill areas identified as important at that time.
are hopeful that our research, because of its longitudinal nature and the rich
source matter, may aid our understanding of what entrepreneurs need to know,
how they learn, whether this is dependent on the stage of evolution of the
enterprise and how best any support can be delivered. The fact that the
mentoring support provided to our “core sample” is from experienced
entrepreneurs introduces another interesting dimension.
research undertaken was part of our research into the First Business
Programme[2], a new‐start support programme operated by the
Local Enterprise Company, Renfrewshire Enterprise. In general terms our
findings with regard to mentoring are akin to those of Moran and Sear (1997)
who looked at the after‐care support provided to PSYBT clients
in Scotland. Their research looked at PSYBT support in general, but of specific
interest to our research are their findings in relation to the role and
perceived value of the PSYBT after‐care counsellor. Like
the First Business research, they established that an after‐care
counsellor “needs to combine a general understanding of small business, and
empathy with the owner‐manager” (p. 141). This supports our
findings that one must consider not only the content of any support but also
such as the interpersonal skills and attitudes of the delivery agents
addition, their research shows that “The added value of counsellors (mentors)
is longer‐term” and that the ability to provide
help “just‐in‐time” is the key
factor in providing greatest added value.
placed on different mentor impacts in the First Business Programme
outlined in Table III, our research
(Deakins et al., 1998) has found that the significance of
intervention is thought, by clients, to be greatest in terms of achieving
objectives, ability to learn and the ability to cope with problems. It is
interesting that the transference of skills or “ability” is rated highly as
opposed to the act of “doing for” or of being more directive. In addition, a
number of the key impacts of the mentors closely match the top ten management
skills in the conception and survival phases of the Churchill and Lewis
“model”. It could, therefore, be argued that it appears that the First Business
mentoring programme is successful in terms of giving new‐start
entrepreneurs the “tools” necessary to succeed or to cope and learn from
critical incidents during the early phases of development.
argue that it is the ability to reflect on incidents and to become engaged in
“double‐loop” learning that is of prime
importance in this context and that the key role of the mentor is to facilitate
and encourage this. Interestingly, reflection on the business and critical
incidents that have occurred was mentioned by a number of our new‐start
entrepreneurs as being of great importance.
number of those we interviewed expressed a view that they have had to change direction
or to reflect on their business. The ability to “stand back” from the business
and reflect on learning that has taken place has been seen as important by
those interviewed. In effect some of those interviewed indicated that their
business had faced “critical incidents” in some cases that could potentially
have led to cessation and that this forced them to learn about factoring, VAT,
exporting, business premises and so on.
from client entrepreneurs that indicated some form of learning taking place
Before starting the business I went to a
course to encourage women into management that led on to a certificate in
management. I then started the business and as part of the course I analysed my
business using tools like SWOT analysis and debated the results in my class.
This ability to stand back has helped a lot and led to some expansion. I
believe that this ability to look at your own business in this way is so
important as you hit hurdles and need to revisit your business plan.
entrepreneur believes that the underpinning knowledge gained in taking part in
theoretical management courses has been critical when faced with “real life”
incidents and, importantly, believes that this enabled them to reflect on the
incidents and intellectualise any learning that took place. In other words the
ability to dissect, reflect, learn and act on a critical incident was seen as
of great importance.
client entrepreneur who had previously worked in a large public sector
organisation commented:
The management training I went through
with my previous employer has been invaluable. I’ve had to change the business
a lot (out of necessity) and the courses helped me do this without losing the
focus of the business. In terms of the mentor our contacts have become less
frequent as I now feel more able to cope myself. I now tend to make decisions
myself and tell them about it just for some comfort that my decision is valid.
summarise, many of the entrepreneurs we are tracking have seen their businesses
evolve and have found their own previous experience and knowledge to be
helpful. In all, the entrepreneurs involved in the programme are facing
“critical incidents”, applying prior learning to them, reflecting and learning
from those incidents. As our research develops it will be interesting to note
if the skills required by entrepreneurs does indeed follow some form of “life‐cycle”
such as that put forward by Churchill and Lewis (1983) and also the impact that
the mentoring programme has had directly or indirectly on their performance.
needs a mentor
interventions to assist entrepreneurs to grow and develop must help them to
learn rather than simply impose prescribed solutions as is the case through the
provision of “expert” consultancy. Research by Cox and Jennings (1995, p. 9)
suggests that it is this ability to learn from mistakes that makes successful
entrepreneurs. Importantly, this research also investigated the role, or
existence, of a mentor in successful enterprises. While they found that
entrepreneurs who had started their own businesses and built them into large
corporations did not appear to identify any one individual that had acted as a
“mentor”, they nonetheless could relate to the importance of learning from
experience from critical incidents. They were, in fact, “individuals who had to
make their own way in the world, the process (of becoming innovative) seems to
start early in their childhood. Successfully coping with extreme difficulties
while very young seems to set a pattern of resilience and ability not only to
cope with, but also to learn from, adversity. It is this ability to learn from
their experience which is, we suspect, the key attribute of these successful
to summarise the research of Cox and Jennings, élite (self‐made)
entrepreneurs do not see themselves as having a specific mentor. Those from
family firms see the family as providing support and the intrapreneurs who
worked their way up through an organisation do indeed acknowledge the support
of mentors or senior colleagues in the organisation. This research supports the
need for some support, the notion that experiential learning is critical and
that some form of “mentoring” appears to have a positive impact on performance
in most, if not all, entrepreneurs.
we believe that the ability to undertake reflective or “double‐loop”
learning, to draw on experience and to be in a position to utilise the
experiences of others (mentors) is indeed a valuable combination.
of mentoring
it appears that “mentoring” does add value, it is important that we define and
discuss mentoring in order that we can understand its importance as a learning
is difficult to find a universally accepted definition of mentoring; indeed
Gibb (1994) argues that “explaining mentoring through a single, universal and
prescriptive definition or ‘type’ is inadequate”. While it is accepted that
mentoring takes on various guises, it is, for the purposes of this paper,
enough to consider some working definitions and to have an appreciation as to
the complexity of mentoring. Some definitions of mentoring include:
The process in which an experienced
veteran helps to shape or guide a newcomer ... true mentoring is an extended,
confidential relationship between two people who have mutual personal growth
and corporate success – as common goals (Brown, 1990).
and O’Neill (1997) argue that:
the definition of Collin (1979) is best
suited to the mentor in the context of support to “new” entrepreneurs, that
being “a protected relationship in which learning and experimentation can
occur, potential skills can be developed, and in which results can be measured
in terms of competencies gained, rather than curricular territory covered.
defined mentoring we now look briefly at the role of mentoring.
of mentoring
functions provided by mentoring fall into two categories; namely, career
functions that enhance learning of skills and knowledge including the political
and social skills required to succeed in an organisation (or own business) and
psychosocial functions. Psychosocial functions are those aspects of the
relationship that enhance a sense of competence, clarity of identity and
effectiveness in a professional role.
(1991) outlined five key roles played by the mentor; namely, coach, co‐ordinator,
supporter, monitor, and organiser. Clutterbuck sees the role as a changing role
dependent on the needs of the protégé. Such a “staged” approach to the mentor
role fits well with the work of Churchill and Lewis (1983) that suggests that
the needs of entrepreneurs change, move through phases, as they grow and
area that our research has touched on is that of matching the mentor and client
or protégé. Indeed, Deakins et al. (1997) found that, while 69
per cent of participant entrepreneurs reported a very good relationship with
their mentors, some put forward a view that there may be scope for greater
matching of mentors to clients based on the mentors’ sectoral experience or
indeed that of, say, gender.
evidence from our research indicates that interpersonal relationships with
advisers have changed as time progressed, perhaps an indication that as the
entrepreneur develops they require different skills or assistance from the
mentor, the Clutterbuck and Churchill and Lewis argument. In such a scenario
the needs of the client and indeed the “personal chemistry” required in the
relationship may alter as the entrepreneur and the enterprise develop.
all, there appears to be an argument for matching, on the one hand, but, on the
other, it could be argued that since the personal chemistry between the two
individuals is so important then any attempt to pre‐select
or force a mentor/client relationship is likely to be unsuccessful. Such a view
is taken by Kram (1986 ) who states that: “Assigned relationships through formal
programmes were found to be problematical”.
debate as to the need to match clients with specific mentors is also touched on
from a learning styles perspective. Mumford (1995) discusses the relationship
between learning styles and mentoring and some of his points actually bear a
strong resemblance to some views that have come forward as part of our research
into mentoring. Essentially, Mumford identifies four learning styles (activist,
reflector, theorist and pragmatist), each associated with stages in the
learning cycle (having an experience, reviewing the experience, concluding from
the experience and planning the next steps). He goes on to argue that, since
individuals, both client and mentor, may have either the same or differing
approaches to learning, this could affect the effectiveness of the
relationship. It is, on the one hand, possible that the two different learning
styles will be complementary, bringing forth different responses and
opportunities but, on the other hand, these differences may be destructive in
terms of the relationship.
school of thought suggests that entrepreneurs are by definition “activist”,
while the mentoring relationship may require someone who is able to assist the
client in reviewing the process, concluding from the experience and planning
the next step. Mumford suggests that “the presumption behind most
mentor/learner relationships, especially in formally constructed schemes, is
that the effective mentor is guiding the learner through a process of
reflection on the experiences that the learner is undergoing” (p. 6). He
(Mumford) also states: “In my experience and in my research, strong activist
mentors are more inclined to leap in with statements about their own
experience, and to offer ‘solutions’, than they are carefully to review with
the learner what the experience of the learner is and what it means”. This
questions the supposition that entrepreneurs may be the “best match” for new‐start
entrepreneurs and may answer the question of why in the Enterprise Allowance
scheme those who most valued the advice of other self‐employed
people appeared to have suffered greater attrition rates. A three‐year
progress survey of participants who had participated in the UK Government
Enterprise Allowance scheme interestingly found that “Survivors said that the
most useful source of advice had come from accountants, while non‐survivors
had found other self‐employed people the most helpful” (Employment
Gazette, October 1986, p. 507); the same situation was reported in a survey
reported in Employment Gazette, May 1988. This could indicate that
new entrepreneurs with relationships with existing entrepreneurs are “directed”
rather than guided and that they do not benefit from the process of trial‐and‐error
or reflective learning. Such challenges were recognised by First Business who
ensured that mentors were trained in the type of skills needed to be an
effective mentor and proactively attempted to have a programme where the
mentors acted as “guides’ rather than as directors; they aimed at providing non‐directive
counselling. There are, therefore, conflicting views as to whether any attempt
should be made to match the mentor and client in a formal sense or whether the
mentor and client should to an extent “self‐seek”.
a business support perspective, an understanding of how entrepreneurs learn is
important if we wish to reduce the attrition rate of new‐start
businesses and improve their growth rates. The desire to assist new‐start
businesses by supporting them through the “learning curve” while they gain
experience is not new, indeed it was one of the objectives of the Enterprise
Allowance Scheme (EAS). “To compensate for the lack of business experience,
likely in EAS participants, information and guidance in running a business are
provided ... by the DTI Small Firms Service and their counselling services are
subsequently available” (Employment Gazette, August 1984, p. 374).
accepted that an approach that facilitates learning is likely to bring
benefits, it is interesting to look briefly at the ways in which most business
support programmes operate today. It is true to say that much of the public
assistance to new‐start business currently takes the form
of creating a business plan (Gibb and Haas, 1995). While knowledge of such as
business planning is helpful it is also recognised that the business will
develop differently from the business plan and that entrepreneurs must not see
the plan as rigid or inflexible. Indeed, to place too much emphasis on the
business plan may lead to an environment where entrepreneurs fear change and
are unable or unwilling to be flexible in the face of a dynamic environment.
Thus the content of many enterprise support courses may be criticised as not
providing “added value” to entrepreneurs in terms of personal development and
particularly in improving their ability to learn. Such programmes could be said
to “teach” about issues that are normally of short‐term
benefit but fail to develop the skills, attributes and behaviours necessary if
entrepreneurs are to survive and prosper. One must, of course, consider that
the provision of “up front”, prescribed training in such as business planning
may be less costly than the provision of counselling or mentoring services.
Perhaps further consideration needs to be given to the cost‐effectiveness
of alternative support mechanisms and the possibility of sponsorship or indeed
of some payment from participant entrepreneurs at some stage in the programme.
importance of learning to small business survival and growth is beyond
reasonable doubt in ever‐changing dynamic marketplaces. We
believe that effective learning is well served through a mentoring relationship
where clients are encouraged to engage in reflective learning and where “just‐in‐time”
support is available, often to consolidate earlier knowledge and learning.
volume‐driven small business training
programmes deliver up‐front prescriptive training that may not
be of immediate relevance to participants and as such the added‐value
of such provision could be brought into question. In all, it would be most
useful if knowledge, skills and reflective learning could be facilitated as and
when required by the entrepreneur. We believe that the support of a mentor with
suitable skills, knowledge and experience together with access to appropriate
expertise elsewhere represents an effective support system.
as the Churchill and Lewis life‐cycle development
approach could prove useful in identifying the skills and knowledge likely to
be required at developmental phases, but the point at which specific
entrepreneurs and businesses reach those phases is likely to differ. In
addition, one could argue that development is not sequential and linear and as
such a life‐cycle model, while useful, may not
provide the whole picture. It is advisers or mentors who could provide a useful
service in identifying when specific entrepreneurs reach a point in their
development where knowledge and skills are required and give support in
accessing the appropriate training or other provision to meet identified needs.
accepted that mentors appear to be an effective support mechanism, we require
to consider issues of client‐mentor matching and
this is a complex area that requires additional research in the context of
entrepreneurial support programmes.
conclude, we believe that entrepreneurial learning is of critical importance to
the survival and growth of SMEs in most marketplaces. Our research has
demonstrated that mentors provide added value interventions that are likely to
bring long‐term benefits to clients and therefore
society. Life‐cycle approaches may assist in planning
the provision of training and other support but ultimately support requires to
be responsive and flexible to individual needs at any given point in time.
the “new economy” of the Internet era the ability to continuously learn and
acquire knowledge in an ever‐changing dynamic
environment will be of fundamental importance to all organisations. In
particular, if SMEs are to compete in competitive marketplaces they must be
more responsive, flexible and customer‐focused than larger
organisations. As organisations move from planned prescriptive management
strategies towards a more emergent and flexible strategic vision then so too
must those who support them.
from a policy perspective, those responsible for supporting new‐start
programmes require to engage in some analysis as to the effectiveness of
alternative programmes of support.
research is required particularly on the issue of mentor‐client
matching and whether alternative systems or methods could be devised to
encourage double‐loop learning and facilitate access to
further support for the new‐start businesses
involved in any programme.
conclude, we believe that a mentoring programme may deliver effective support
to entrepreneurs when they require it, as they move through a development life‐cycle,
and that it may be more cost‐effective than up‐front
prescribed training in the long run.
suggests a need for a fundamental look at the way in which support is currently
organised by the majority of Training and Enterprise Councils and Local
Enterprise Companies.
is, however, a need for additional longitudinal research into the long‐term
impact of mentoring relations vis‐à‐vis other support
mechanisms and, of course, cost‐benefit analysis of
various options over the longer term.
Effective Business Mentoring
ReplyDeleteBorn to be an entrepreneur, I am a tenacious businesswoman with a real zest for life. Passionate about the empowerment of struggling entrepreneurs, I use every challenge I have encountered during my career in order to mentor budding business owners as they set out on their own professional journeys.